Society of Cannabis
Clinicians UK Chapter
Curaleaf Education is a proud partner of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians, providing their UK Chapter. This collaboration allows us to share knowledge with international colleagues to bring the highest quality education to healthcare professionals in the UK.
Society of Cannabis
Clinicians (SCC)
The SCC is a non-profit educational and scientific society of physicians and other healthcare professionals dedicated to advancing research and disseminating knowledge about cannabis for medical use.
The UK Chapter
The Society of Cannabis Clinicians (SCC) has established the UK Chapter in collaboration with Curaleaf Education to host meetings to discuss the latest research on medical cannabis review interesting cases between healthcare professionals.
he UK Chapter is here to support UK healthcare professionals by training them on how and when to use medical cannabis in a patient’s care pathway. By collaborating with international colleagues, members of the UK Chapter can benefit from learning about the latest therapeutic advances to ensure their knowledge is always refreshed.
Become a Member of SCC
SCC welcome physicians and allied professionals who utilise medical cannabis in patient care, to become members. The SCC promotes integrity and standards of practice in cannabis medicine.
There are many benefits of becoming a member of the International Society of Cannabis Clinicians including unlimited online access to Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, access to all full-length educational videos, networking opportunities with other clinicians, and much more.
UK Chapter Board
Dr James Rucker
President of SCC
UK Chapter
Dr James Rucker is an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and Senior Clinical Lecturer in mood disorders and psychopharmacology at the Centre for Affective Disorders at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London and the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Rucker specialises clinically and academically in mental health problems associated with mood, anxiety and trauma response symptoms and in clinical trials with novel drug treatments and drug-assisted therapy. He is also Consultant Psychiatrist at Curaleaf Clinic.
Dr Mark Weatherall
Vice President of SCC
UK Chapter
Dr Mark Weatherall is Consultant Neurologist and Clinical Lead for Neurology at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Chair of the British Association for the Study of Headache and a former Trustee of The Migraine Trust.
His interests include the diagnosis and management of chronic migraine, facial pain, visual snow and secondary headaches associated with systemic disorders, as well as the historical, social and cultural aspects of headache disorders. Dr Weatherall is also Consultant Neurologist at Curaleaf Clinic.